Julia Keleher’s

Women in Leadership Blog

Ways to Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

Ways to Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

Between work, family, and all of the stresses of life, it is easy to focus  on the things that go wrong. Unfortunately, doing so  can lead to anxiety, depression, and a general dissatisfaction. e. One of the simplest ways to create a new outlook on life is to...

How To Look For Companies That Support Female Leaders

How To Look For Companies That Support Female Leaders

A great deal of attention has been paid recently to women in leadership, or more accurately, the lack of women in significant leadership positions. While women are certainly stepping into more  key roles, many of these roles do not have broad spans of authority or...

The Unique Challenges of Governing as a Woman Leader

The Unique Challenges of Governing as a Woman Leader

As much as many people would like to believe that female and male leaders are treated the same way, the truth is that a number of societal expectations historically placed on women complicate  women’s leadership efforts. While this may be slowly changing, we have a...

How To Find The Right Mentor

How To Find The Right Mentor

Connecting with a mentor is a recommended way to help people get through life's challenging events. A mentor can be there to provide guidance in the best and worst of times. The following are tips to help anyone find the ideal mentor. What is a Mentor? The formal...

Improving Your Skills To Become A Leader

Improving Your Skills To Become A Leader

Being a leader means making a series of good, conscious decisions. But there comes a time when a person fails and his or her leadership abilities are called into question. The best response in this situation is to improve one's personal and professional skills to...

A Look Into Inspiring Women Leaders: US Olympic Athletes

A Look Into Inspiring Women Leaders: US Olympic Athletes

The 2021 Summer Olympic Games conducted in Tokyo will be remembered in the United States as the year American women  inspired a nation . U.S. women athletes won 66 medals, more than half the total for all American Olympic competitors. It was women who helped the USA...

Transformational Leadership for Women

Transformational Leadership for Women

As the workforce continues to evolve, companies are evaluating new types of leadership to carry their businesses into the future. One such approach is transformational leadership, and it provides exceptional opportunities for women in the workplace. What is...

What Are the Ongoing Challenges That Women Leaders Face?

What Are the Ongoing Challenges That Women Leaders Face?

Women have made leaps and bounds in closing the equality gap and achieving their career goals. However, there are still areas of inequality and discrimination that must be addressed. As responsible members of society, we must all attempt to identify the main ongoing...